Monday, March 31, 2014

Understanding a new C++ feature. How the cycle eventually is.

Understanding a new C++ feature. How the cycle eventually is.

I'm just one more C++ programmer got frustrated with a new C++ feature after understood how it works. This time was the constexpr keyword. The cycle is eventually the following:

  1. You get excited with the new feature and don't want to wait to put your hands on and begging using it in every project. Sometimes you consider modify exising (debbuged and working) projects. What a crazy idea. But sometimes it's acceptable and interesting really.
  2. You try read articles as possible about this new feature (and related); read what about others people think about, etc; You're still excited to use it.
  3. Now you believe know (enough) to start using it. And wonder, “Cool! C++ isn't so bad anymore,” I could live with that now.
  4. Program's behavior isn't what you expected. Begging from compile-time. Errors messages seem nonsense.
  5. You go to C++ standard and do some reading or ask people able to say this working that way. You figure out thousands of stuff are implemenation-specific + another thousands are keep in order to be C and previously C++ standards compatible. A lot of bad stuff which doesn't make any sense nowadays. Out of 10 only 1 or 2 stuff are well-defined and you can write code without worry how does it works in such a platform.
  6. You got frustrated and ask yourself, “why is the life so hard, Lord?,” but you can't move on from C++. C++ is still around in everywhere.